Silo Features
Moylan Grain Silos manufactures Silos to the highest quality. Below are some of the in-depth features that make us a leading manufacturer.

High Tensile Heat Reflection Walls
Structural Grade Zincalume profiled to withstand the stresses of lupin storage.

Fumigation Chamber
Place your phosphine tablets on the mesh tray, close the door and goodbye weevils. (Ag Department and Murdoch University testing...)
University testing over winter and summer shows nothing kills weevils faster.

Aeration Duct
Fitted standard to larger silos. Simply add a fan now or in the future, to keep your grain in good condition.
Perfect for storing grain at high moisture levels.

Outloading Gap
1 metre out loading space for larger Augers and amp Elevators.

15 Degree Side Ladder and Safety Cage
Now standard on all silos, for safer access to the top of the silo. Pull out the ladder to use, it sits close to the silo when not in use.

New Bottom Outlet Handle
Universal joint raised bottom outlet handle.
Multi-position lock for regulating grain flow.

Large Centre Filling Port
The Ground Operated Top Lid uses a direct linkage system to open and amp close the lid from the safety of the ground. A simple locking device seals the lid once in the closed position. This and the 30” diameter filling port make it a breeze when positioning your auger for filling.

Large 90mm Pressure Relief Valve
Allows you to empty your silo, without opening a manhole.
Allows you to empty your silo, without opening a manhole.

Rotating Base Hopper
The large base hopper opening ensures a large range of auger elevation while unloading the silo. The auger can be situated at truck bin height or lower without fouling the hopper opening.
The large base hopper opening ensures a large range of auger elevation while unloading the silo. The auger can be situated at truck bin height or lower without fouling the hopper opening.

Optional Extra - Aeration Fan
Maintain stored grain in peak condition. Manages humidity and reduces the likelihood of insect activity

Opt. Extra - Hot Dipped Galvanised Blocks
HDG Blocks slide under the base of the silo (between the base ring and concrete pad) allowing for easy cleaning.
Guaranteed Sealed Silos
Don't Jeopardise Grain Quality in an Unsealed Silo
All Silos Are Tested and Sealed to AG. Department Standards