"capable of delivering 1000T of sealed storage positioned, shimmed & bolted down ready for use in a day"
Moylan Freight Delivery
Field Bin Freight
$7 plus GST per km one way
Minimum Freight $600 plus GST
Circular Feeder Freight
$6 plus GST per km one per truck
5 large feeders or 6 small per truck
Silo Freight
Silos over 3.5M $5.00 + GST Per km, per Silo
Silos 3.5M and Under $4.00 + GST Per km, per Silo
Minimum Freight Charge $600 plus GST per Silo

Silo Delivery Includes
Positioning of Silos
DYNA Bolting the silo to your concrete pad
Galvanised shims if needed and all oversize/western power permits

Optional Extra
12MM Galv blocks to lift Silo base off the pad:
$250 plus GST per Silo fitted
1500 Bushel or smaller Silo $200 plus GST per Silo fitted
$200 plus GST per Silo supply only

Concrete Pad Reminder
If you have silos orders or thinking of ordering,
We can get your silos to you on time if your pad is down early.
January payment is available with all silos, field bins and self-feeders